Invisible lights as like a giant glow worm push upwards by magical force. As if possessed by a holy alien, morphed with angels wings, take the people to the holy lake, seeing the grass leap into abundant spring she removed her clothing and stood motionless being touched by mist.

At the start of the war I was opposed to war itself. Later it looked like my protests were not going to work. Yet I think some of my prayers were heard. Everyone hears my song of peace as fighting goes on, it looks like a futile waste, my friend Dimitri on the other side, makes it really hurt.

Is there a drug Susan wonders as she gets a foot rub, now the dolls are lined up for shooting practice, its a golden looking day for plastic!

New news: Transgender persons can hug you, but not kiss you. People deserve love and change in there lives! Right? A brave new world, and more polite then before! Have you ever adored the humans we are!

As much as I love cats, they will not solve all your math problems.

Increased air molecules might decrease starvation or kill it all together.

Go go capitalism lasted less than a year. Has God spoken?

People who can only talk to toilets have obviously embraced potty humor and toilet talk and will eventually become comedians.

Time is never enough.