Darkness breaks open.

The farm animals were all dead from the use of a hammer. It was a bloody mess and connected to a sociopath. Yet now animals were being targeted with murder. Soon perhaps the vegables?


Alert to readers: Fiction has been ongoing lately. This is not the movies. Choose wisely!

The man in black stood in front of a window and gazed at the street life under the gas lights. He had been robbed again again and he felt as empty as his pockets. He fingered within and found them slip through holes. This only caused a sense of guilt!

Why are things the way they are? Its a signature of a lunatic and perhaps less going down the creeping dripping graying steps as a life going into a spiral. Oh where is the robed savior down there, down where the roaches stare. Its more then past the spinning mirror doors. "She is wrong" said Lanore with her large cat in her arms!

I have noticed some people trash talk Doctor Fauchi. I wonder if they consider he did the best job he could, and he isn't perfect, but was the most qualified person. This makes me see a lousy very irrational American who complains often regardless of these basic facts of who the lead doctor is.

Last night I told an internet celebrity that tufons are really good, and he wanted to know if they are good on travel trips. I said they are very good for that. Then I was in an alternate reality San Francisco being creeped out, and mystified. I meet two women in a movie theatre and another who I chance to find in her home while she is sitting on a coach with her silent stone calm boyfriend. Parts of this San Francisco are very dangerous and people are trying to have fun, but it is more dangerous then fun, other places it is empty of people and you would think it was Babylon.