Teleportation would be very popular with all sorts of criminals so i would forbid that becoming a reality.

I would offer an award to anyone who can help me find the real dimitri and his health and if he is drinking alcohol or not and if his mother is still alive❤️

Physics upended, okay and a white hole sagitarius b polar shift! What is next? Teleportation👍

I can be sure the russian military saw some very big victory from this invasion, uh small operation, my ass!

If people lose their important principles do they become criminals?

My best friend is russian so i hate this stupid war especially if it causes dimitri to return to heavy drinking.

Bill hole was good at treating feelings of emptiness❤️

When was the last time you were mooned by a powerful, yet very weird person?😂?

If the universe is higgs particles are we forced into being awe struck and even drooling!