Here we are at war, and who is speaking about peace?

If we are to go onwards we need to let go sometimes to open the future up.

I can forgive.

Why exist during a pandemic? My answer is live for wonder and delight. At the same time make sure you leave the world a better place in some way, after all those diaper changes when you were a baby was because great things were expected of you.

Highly esteemed Modonna.

Freedom of speech includes just about everything except throttling someone whose opinion bothers you. Just go home and throttle your pet animals instead.

Relax with some uplifting chair lifting thoughts.

And so can you!

Got Spine?

He’s in, all the way, the winner, and he’s got loads of cash, and that’s that!

Methods: it is not writing from the hip or with knee jerk reaction. That is no muse nor does it resemble a thought process. Writing gets done inside the mind for a while, so you people got it all wrong.