In a world of make believe

I would hug you and dance you into dreams

For the faith would be pure from hurt

No harm done to our tiny selves

And the earth would float on a lotus

The giants would arrive

Taking their time as giants are heavy

And all is good in the wild woods

I say: Is that Johnny?

A Johnny come lately?

He would look to the sky and reply

I have heard it myself like a whisper

Then it became a shout

And they ran from the burning theater

Then the screen appeared

So I walked into a different world

I say: Did you meet Lady Jane?

He would look to the sky and reply

All is new in the movies today

I see nothing but great escapes.

Taking you somewhere is a good least you can be here with me.

I could do many things

Stir the chocolate and bang a drum

Give you something good just for fun

I can be your waiter, your butler, you burger flipper

I could be on time and break the rules

Just for fun I could be a hell of a gun

I'm what you call a person

I am many things at once.

I fight so that we might stand a chance in the it not obvious that the self can not endure wrong after wrong..

Falling in love with trees is not a bad idea.

Your foot needs rubbing..

We are the ones who defied gravity..

Opinions are very interesting..

I am in need of more opinions

Perhaps there is a place where I can find some

The kind that sound true

The kind that make me feel good and right

Opinions that fill me with delight

I hunger for more opinions galore

My stomach aches for this

Fill me and more!

Hot shines on no clicks fine.
Be the shine.

Outlines are often pathetic..


Ideas for a new business model.

-I am assuming that blogging is the new wave of the future and that books are outdated except YA and comics.

-I am going to use the narrow focus actions rather than the wide beam in the future.

-I am going to assume that there is no way to defeat threats online, that new ideas for threats will be made as soon as an old one is dealt with.

-I am also assuming that technology is fading compared to it's high interest in the past ten years.