Something anyway!

China just became my hero!

Other days ahead!

If puzzles had meaning

They have none unless

You feel eagerness

The hidden virtue

Gets you rabid

Be be rabid

Rabid is good

Its understood!

Live in a state of eagerness

Not in a sincere way

Just to grow your ego

In a fashionable way

Take me through

To a magic ring

To rule reality

A dream

To baffle you again

When summer ends

Chips what may

To fall for someone

Who falls down again

Upon their nose

Then fashionably rips their clothes


Tread into a magical place!

The Return.

Bill Home Found Himself!

The best three word poem ever!

Fuck that shit!

Through it all!

Dreams of today seem lame

Not that way honest

Yet the mountain is sinking

I am wading through what's left

I hold my secret clues

Your spinning around me

Which means you've lost

Maybe a long time ago

Puzzles run you think

And they do,

Emitting quite a stink!

Power gone into overkill serves nobody except an end of everything scenario!

Humans to destroy yet again in senseless violence.

It seems.

Trippy Food For Thought. (Read with Kale chips)

Green light from a star appears to be white.

Not a hoax!

Orange, purple, white created by blue, red and green on ordinary objects!

Perhaps white makes green feel brighter than yellow!

Therefore it is a delusional color?

Or some greens make us dizzy?

Or confused?

There I find Futures..

They may not be fully formed

But progress is being made

And it should seem normal

Yet our new normal is strange

Its a rigged game(s)

I wish the answers were plain

Yet its foggy here

Where is the sun and rain?

Three can do maybe?