We had an adorable cat named Midnight!

It could make a no sound and another that sounded a bit like yes. If you asked it questions you might wonder if the cat was human level intelligent, but not likely intellectual.  Watching it nap and chill in a planter box sometimes he looked contemplative!

You decide!

Bugles don't blow in here, but someone somewhere a person is farting.

This we know.

Bill Hole was sitting on a hill looking down on a valley stunned at the beauty.

He liked having sex with Susan

Now the distance beckoned

He was searching his feelings

All was a blur

As dark clouds appeared!


He said



Dirt don't the beach!

Past the future!

Intellectual bla ba ba!

It is a lot online with comments in this thought after thought.  But I digress since I too am Socrates!

I hope you understand the work that is behind a new understanding in color and what is going on.

Recently it was confirmed that a color pattern is universal.  100% pattern.  This is hard to get to.  It Also includes colors inside atoms which I find the most curious thing of all.  This might encourage scientists to do atomic research.