
What do I stand for today?

It gets less clear lately.   I have personal interests that make me hard to pin down.  I am a believer in keeping productive in some way or another and to keep setting a higher bar in life.  I'm also down with the idea that despite evidence of how smart we are, idiocracy is not to far off.  I like to keep a lot of options and room in my head open.  I want to feel genuine optimism as much as possible.  I am no fatalist.

With Trump elected things could get more optimistic, stupid or both.  Yet change like this feels like an act of God.

Since color is of such an interest I'll say one last thing:

Why did that strange golden light
appear when there were many
Non yellow colors
Creeped me out!

I don't like really weird things
But that's no excuse is it!?
I removed it fast!

After doing it Susan unraveled a strange multicoloured cloth that could make them blur but not totally disappear.

The issue of disappearing was a depressing horror!

Bill Hole was ready and curious and dazed!

She had him!

Jelly light as an idea is important if an environment has low jelly🔦

Location is important, very!

Today I feel I may have found the best indoor location in the Bay Area so far.  Secret!

How I know cats are very smart?

Harry the cat!  Everyone felt a bit stupid around this feline!  I will have to interview the owner and see if any videos were made of this ordinary orange cat that was blind in one eye.  He stood out around about 9 cats and all the cats now dead!  He licked more than was pet, was highly active and very curious. He saved a dogs life and kept a watch on everyone on the street!  He always would appear when my spirits were down!  His speed of motion was dazzling.

What exactly is Jelly Light?

Its a lighting situation plus environment that puts you into a very comfortable yet altered state.  It is hard to repeat this experiment.  It might be nothing, nothing important.

As color has new understanding don't go bezerk with it.

Thank you!

A request on my research on jelly light.

No single device can created a suficiant amount and the tool for creating it has reason to doubt it works well enough for what I was looking for.  Some glasses seem to be the most promising as well as blue lights of different intensity.  Experiments also show a gold/yellow light can be created with a mix of 4-5 colors shot out a dark blue cylinder into a glass sculpture.  This gold/yellow color was strange enough to creep me out!  This project is now losing momentum.  Oh well!

Five years from 2011-2016

This time has been fairly scary due to the growth of trolling with advanced skills and technology.  The world was changing fast and that had to be accepted which I have now.  I understand nostalgia will not help much.  Also being Jewish and wanting a more fair and just world is unsafe.  Strange how the troubles I had turned into super lemonade as if by magic.  I met some high profile people online as a little guy, so confusing yet accepted eventually.  My interest in poetry and physics actually made it into a bigger place!  As I used the internet the reality of the world became smaller as a place to invest my time and energy.  I saw the great recession fade into some prosperity in the Bay Area.  People today seem a bit lost.  I know I am.  I believe that we are doing better than any country in the world.  I can see our sports teams here have a fanaticism to them.  I can see the progress being slowly made here.  It also seems I have progressed myself, especially with my blogs.  I have some kind of loyal following, (I hope they are good people).  I just hope Americans smile more often.