Stop for something..

Times goes by

Pays to work

Wanting some results

Moaning is gross anyway,

She remembers a guy

On the battlefield.

Being right is not a delight.

Get a life.

What is 3?

It is in a number system where most people find themselves at 1 1/2 which has some problems but is doable.  4 and 5 are unknown and perhaps unknowable.  3 is not easy to find either since trying to get to 3 can knock people down.  It is real status.

If poor people and middle class muggles start calling you zombies there is an answer!

Are you afraid of becoming a zombie by your mostly Kale diet and meat hating?


Join the crowd, beats the alternative!


For those with hate in their hearts:

Try love soaked pop tarts

And Angel Cards!


So do color studies mean anything?

Not much to me but: research, discovery, deduction and frustration.

I'm kind of recovering now.

Our weirdndess and wtf qualities makes our Empire unique!

How dull was the British and Roman Empires!

In her small car she came..

Inside crystals all about

She's pleased with herself

A fire in her eyes

We zip past tree lined streets

I can feel my heart heart beat

Is this the woman for me

And not lost girl


Let's roll!

You can't even lead a religious or "spiritual" nutcase to reason and logic let alone make them drink.

Tell them the honest truth and get stoned perhaps.

And this is the 21st century?!