I had a dream that Trump was never born and that his middle name was low brow.

Do you really think Trump could bring progress?

Shall you and I attempt to touch the sky. Shift of story.

Susan lay on her back breathing loud and heavily.  Strange cloud formations were above and nothing seemed below.  She now felt that Bill Hole must be dead.  There was no fighting this overwhelming feeling.  Deep down she knew this has nothing to do with him.  She was at least aware that she had been losing weight and was more anxious than normal.  To her left she listened to a creek swishing and burbling, then jumped to her feet.   The metropolis was waiting!

I just lost someone to capitalism!

An awful way to disappear!

And more suck to come!


My step father could not rule the universe, bus he enjoys being the Bingo ruler of Marin County!

A new hair product could be called: GRAVITATIONAL WAVES!

Even gets the bald guys curly!

Get yourself a cosmic hair cut!

With Gravitation Waves Shampoo!

At a store near you!!!!

I believe that if you feel that life is passing you by it probably is.

If Hellen Kellor could, so can you!

Do searches on this amazing woman!

I'm great! Life is great! Love is great!

Poetry has taken off..

But strangely in many directions

How can anyone know where poetry is lurking

And where it will creep up next

You find yourself accidently running into it

Nobody is leading this

Perhaps poetry is charging ahead

As if a living thing

Wanting more life

To breath at last

As magic comes.