It is a fact that men are forgetting they have real units as excitement over technology units makes a reversed reality.

So what did you do today!?

Do people really pay big money for celebrity undergarments or not!

Screw the election, this is important!!

You just read this on Mmmm....

Weird I was called baby and honey bunny.

Plus overheard teens doing math saying six Jews minus something.


At least I'm still sane!

The umbrella of powerful penis protector's invisible yet blue light rays will turn meteors into advanced organic salad for starving third world countries!

We have gone from having global warming deniers to science deniers!

What is happening to gray matter?

Dark Matter can wait!

I learn about a Kardashian first thong while thinking about California making tougher death penalty laws!

Now you finally understand!

Those words those words..

Have no no
No meaning to me
Deep sounds may empty be
Just an unholy rhapsody
I hear fishes escape the net
Happens constantly
If only I could believe in fairies
Not me, not me, not me
Just betting I'm a three
Four of a kind
Ace high

Estimates of a joker untrue
No wild card or fool
Playing it cool.