Do you have idiocy insurance?

Can you be sure how power a Moran is!? is free

It repels the most inane and imbecilic

Even a thunderstorm of zombies

Can be defeated!

This is no cost with no strings attached

Now you can be totally dumby free


I like the idea of 17 year old allowed to vote since soon many will be on their own.

Welcome them into the world with some voting power. F some of them look very disenfranchised now!

If you are here looking for some kind of self help this blogger may frustrate you!

Also I don't claim to know it all in anyway!

I have no leadership credentials too big!

Nor do I throw the best advice or facts!

But come here despite my ways!

The muse slips in and out of time!

She has a sparkle in her eyes!

It flits and flirts her wit!

Rain falls and desire!

Bright boy with fig!

Apart not!


The swine had a fat time!

Enlarging is what they want to do

Poor Napoleon!!!!


What would a Bernie Sanders Presidency be like?

Sanders win of Michigan is totally unexpected.

It took my breath away, as Clinton had a double digit lead there.  Now I must go back to the drawing board.  Egad.  Now I support all democrats.  The republicans themselves have admitted their party is broken.  Seriously.

My thoughts on social media!

I tend to be cautious about technology or sometimes very curious.  I go into it with my own philosophy also.  I think there is the troll-malice net and the dead-rut net.  I try to rule those out!

The dream of three is a small fast fish...

It tends to evade grasp as counterintuitive piranha's and catfish!

This is where its at!

I can only promise stellar action

Get your laziness of lax alternatives

Are you not sick of something

As the beautiful gleams nearby

Go hence my favorite gal and guy

Seek the love within thine eye!

Can we kiss she said to you..

As she outstretched her quivering lips


You were not sure how ready you felt

And if this was the time for love

But here she comes!!!!!!!

Her glowing red dress

With pink ribbons

Big eyes

Oh my.