Don't use your head as a launching pad for fireworks!

Not only deadly, but super weird!

I see America as the best diversity county, the most democratic country, and strangest.

I am not clear about American strangeness: so hard to explain precisely.  Something eh, American about America?!!!  Whatever it is we got it!

Looking back on February:

In made my life more predictable and burned weeds down.

My heart has socially gone in some unexpected directions.

Super creative enthusiasm is temporarily lower for first time in many months.

Philosophy and mode of life has changed.

I think America has improved, but we still have a way to go!

As not extremely hopeless...

There were trees here in glades with hanging deep red leaves!

Now and then they fluttered in the Gail!

Oh sweet sound from the south!

Here frogs going in and out!

My long blonde hair!

Seemed vibrant!

In a shocking moment of he says about and to and she reacts and defends our history as a people comes about!!!

Then a new order of odor began!

A ripe and pungent smell

All was well with not just another day in hell

Bill Hole was sinking almost

As to see if too had any cleaning properties

To clean the mind of all pornography

Bill Hole was godly and ready

Plus he had made tea

And formed crumpets

It felt good being one of the good people

No more candy for me!

I'm free

I'm free

Sugar free at last

Was a favorite advertisement

And Bill saw his muscles as not flimsy at all!

With a great blank stare

Bill Hole was happy at last!

Sweet people are awesome!