What I began has taken off beyond my own doings.

An explosion of light

Unstoppable in power

Cascading both fierce and tender

To carress

Trees shoot their roots out

The ants rush about

As things secret happen

Make art.

You are doing great!

So great in fact

As to get

Super you mirrors

With extended hours

Of viewing yourself

Into infinity!


Today is mission..

Do laundry

Low stress day

Cut internet in half


The set we are in..

It needs a better delusion

It hardly feels new

Can this end or end up

Or do we afraid not

Keep that to yourself

War is on a battlefield

So go to Gan if YOU must

Forgot the self love



Yea, self love

Shooting pictures

Not money shots

I mean money plots

We are in trouble

Got this toy gun

Do you self love?

What does being a bit of an alcoholic, a seriously serious local sports fanatic and being liberal have in common.

How does looking looking slightly dangerous mean the same as hansome?

A tradition has began!

This was the second time I brushed my teeth to the quacking of ducks!  Hooray!

Who is this Blogger Guy?

I'm cool with that for now as:

Super Blogger Guy!!!

And his friend Alice who is not sure whacko do with human chaos or dodo birds.  It is interesting on the bus and no ducks.  But the mouse was distressed!  As it was normal for rat to be distressed.  Alice liked the ruckus, but they had nothing but noices.