In a game like poker honesty is its own form of bluff, especially when nearly constant.

A thought for you:

Let's say,

I was placed somewhere

Somewhere out at sea


In a giant boat

That had all my desires on it

Also not a clue where I am?

As I get to ten there is time to begin again,

There are those

that see

And leave

And care

And watch elsewhere

Streams of newness

To the strange land

Of forgiveness

A reach of your hand

Is like a hug

So nice to feel

Now and then

Almost ten.

Not the Capitan!

Great writing is often effortless, but happens on its own time.  I let those babies decide everything.

Nothing better to do!

As there was numbers on all the buildings I began counting.

I could tell I had found a meaningless hobby?

Yes, but numbers can be interesting if they become interested in me.

Let's say they talk!

I'm numbers one sounded like it was boasting.

The buildings are rarely anything but chocolate so I dare..

I eat houses.

I really don't respect people who lie there way into popularity and success.