As an American man I am here to serve and work on my tan!

Again why poetry?!

When a child reads a good poem they get very enthusiastic and gleeful.  Adults will head to the dull part of the poetry section hidden like a badge of shame at the back of the book store or library.

So what does the future hold?  Does poetry matter?  Does Bob Dylan matter?  Do poets really want change?  I mean you!  I mean everyone!  I  am an ardent fan of poetry and think it deserves much more..I want you to listen to this message and do something.

All my love to you..

A perfect Meety Christmas!

May Santa bless you

With futuristic toy

For joys

And to inflict pain

Still the season of love

Not cyber stalking

So merry merry Christmas

My narcistist darlings!?

Is this a publish path I am on?

Not really.  

Publication is already a done deal so now it is maybe outdated also.

Publishing is done for profit and for the Status Quo!

I am no Billy Collins nor would I want to be:  a bit drab and pretensious is just as lame as the common alternate which just is louder on the yucky qualities which are not gone, but simply toned down!

I don't want my poems to be anything though.

I want my poems to connect well to my global audience and to demonstrate various unity techniques. This means the power of one.

Stone trees..

so where is this going

I must not forget

As in this one chair

The one and only chair

Least assuming in the room

I became invisible

The mood of circus here

Did not exist

It was excellent!

Can the clock know


It does not Devine the future

It fools with it false pointing

Scolding adults into routines

You run into jungles

There are cute red squirrels

It is here you find a treasure

Not the book as it appears

But a key to which you


Here friends are waiting

There is no escaping

The waters ripple in

Unknowns begin..

There are stupid things I remember

Especially my rubber ducky

They rule 

Even when extremely pissed off

As usual

You got to love them


Rubber Ducky I love you

You're the one for me!

Taking a bath was never so
