
So what is a result

A wave of hearts for beating stars

The drama unfolds in a paintbrush

The object of love on a beach

A grain of sand

A spot.

As a Jewish mutt what other nationality am I confused with by my appearance.

Over 10 times in my life people have said I look German.

What would Hitler have thought?

Hot Damn!

Oh what woman

She can be

Oh dear in plenty

She is goofy

Always in the shower

Running on the flowers


She is a woman

Hungry for a tardy

Oh how bright

With fantasy delight

A little lust

Deep inside

What a sensation

She's a woman.

Canibals make awful vegetarians.

Perhaps this message is agreeable to all sorts of people..

The crack in the prison walls shows

The person aware of being a prisoner

And a much more ideal life can happen

A better world!!


I am getting very wow now, and less woe as well.  Just riding my wow canoe, and she loves me, she loves me. 

And Shakespeare too


Things are getting bouncy

And I feel like another bannana

Maybe I want to be a monkey

With bouncing boobs

Not just me

But you too!