Methods of blogger journalism according to me.

For a blogger journalist sometimes facts are not enough, you might need lots and lots of facts that combine to create evidence or make a point. Since you don't work for the AP your credibility is not so great.  But don't work for th AP just because of that.  Blogger journalism is also done through observation, memory, note taking, and careful analysis.  Blogger jounalists must face the reality that they may piss some people off, but people may also have their eyes opened to things they were previously kind of blind to.  Blogger journalists should also take a class or two on journalism.  In a world of pundants, spinners, liars, ect, blogger journalists play an important role in todays world as they do more than criticize and complain, and often don't take sides.

Physics question:

As the universe ages does matter become less bright or luminous to our eyes when in the light of course.

This one has real importance to me.

I don't think Tank Jefferson was for the people, but for the people to be experimented on.

So if that is true America was not an experiment, since the experiment was performed on we the people, which ironically was in a very different clan or tribe than dear Thomas was apart of.  He could also have slaves while being a lover of equality.  Funny.

After a bit of geneology study,

I find that I am very unlikely full blooded semetic jew genetically.  That would mean I am a mut.  Do you have any dogs who are muts I can hang out with?

I figure there are less than 3,000 "REAL HOURS" a year.

This is why time seems to go by so damn fast.