Every night I am horrified by how many bags of Dorrito's Americans must be eating.

This has been my most disturbing thought, and you are a vegan, do correct me if I am wrong?

A secret you all likey know already...

There are some sins we all know of like murder, rape, theft, lust. Envy,

Then there is this one that gets mentioned which seems laughable:


Being lazy, a sin, yea right, what a joke....

Oops wrong,

This sin is really the sneaky venomous snake of all the sins.

The sin that may not cause devils workshop, or street problems, but in time can do other serious things, spreading like lepracy across a person.  Yea scared you.  Sorry.  This is an assignment.  Think deeply on why it can be a great danger to be lazy, (In more ways than one)?  THINK.