Sad poem.

Not a place of dreams

Everyone is dealt a bad hand

The demons get to laugh

The angels cry

Not a place of dreams

We put on our smiles

And hide our scowling screams

As a boomerang bangs

Not a place for dreams

Power doesn't mean anything now

Just a bowl of rotten schemes

And roses get danced upon

Not a place of dreams

Fear is open for business.

Learn anything else..

There is a strong sense of new now.k

Project new book is now underway!

In three weeks an Amazon edition should be out.  It will include the less scary half of Everyone's Nightmare.  I apologize if the first half of the book was a bit disturbing.  I was using three books on dreams and dream symbolism is why that happened.

Gree is not a color.

So alice being more clever than before

Had thought she had a plan

To escape from the giant gree haired lady

Who was busy staring at her as if as if

She were the most amazing thing in

This whole wide wild world

So she began to plot and plan

With all that mattered was elsewhere

And she did not know the lay lay


She had to find a reliable map

Or an intruction manual



Internet aaa...

A place of stalkers, abusers, molesters, manipulators?  EH!  I am just reading more about this and watching videos.  This makes me sick and grossed out and less trusting for sure.