Beyond dark CLOUDS

Can I remember

Tears of innocence

Forver tears to drink

To stop my mind

Hold on.

Here it comes

Its coming in the garden

The garden of edan

Touching the tree of life

Nothing on it that it can hide

Limbs wrap about me

This green tapestry

This fullness is about me

Soon you will see!

Garden of love

Beer is free

Dreams for you

Exctasy for me

Melting emrald leaves

As far as the eyes can see

Are you with me


Hey Poland thanks for coming so often.

You are a new favorite.

What do you do Smark

It is like playing with legos

I do try my best

I see that as almost

A no brainer

And then there is brains.

Smark what did you learn today..

I find the excitement of life in weird contrast to a world of virtual slugs and snails.

Fresh as ever

In midsummer

Caught near statues

Held almost by their gaze

As if to crumble

They remain.

Here to paint my brain with poetry. Yes poetry?

Thoughts either serve

Or they fry the brain

Drugs can melt it

But then that could cause frying

So time ticks and melting and frying exists

That is motivating

When others sometimes hurl ticks

Then the path does light up

Going forward or maybe so easilly


At the majestic road

Wedding flower open like shrouds

Her hand reaching to the sky

Lemons falling from each tree

Just symbolism or reality?

At the majestic road

Wedding flower open like shrouds

Her hand reaching to the sky

Lemons falling from each tree

Just symbolism or reality?

Like a death.

What was so bright and shining

Has no light now

Does not exist for mine eyes

It is now a black space

As if by God's black paint!

Now like a black hole!

Very strange!

The star I saw last night is no longer there.

Looking out into the darkness I could not make out the nebula.