Mouse could not find Alice

Alice oh Alice

Where are you

Where are you darling dearest

There is nothing to fear

Night is here

And there is the forest

It is dark there

And almost perfect

For dream to rise

Like ghosts in the middle

Of the nightmare

There is blood red rain

It sounds bad

But then there is day

Then the air clearith

The decline is done

All the sighs die

As the sun shineth

Mercy is kind

Dreams wait beyond lights

Wipe those tears away

There is nothing to fear

It is a rainbow

The mood is gay

Wipe those tears away

Even love will have it's day

Shining upon your silly face

Love like orange shadows

Leap torwards space

And there is change.

What did I learn about myself today..

I can be tough on myself.

I felt the tiger in my eyes

No ordinary blades

No one knows

And they vanish

Only to reapear

The spirit is busy

And the music is real

The junkies cut a deal

So again swords

Vanish into the air

The air is brisk

Till you hear her

With her patience

And levity.

These Trolls can be better called aggressor-sexuals!

I believe the word has scientific logic to it.


It was the last squid I tangled with..

Not a giant squid

But much smaller and squishier

With dancing flailing flaming tentacles

Of loving thunder

Hundreds of bunnies began jumping

So I lit a flashlight to its head

New dance songs hit hard?

So Smark what did I learn about myself today

I can feel young as any young person.

Seems like some rich jerks tried to actually steal poetry over more recent decades.

We can take it back!

She is very safe muse.

Just don't go to far, then she might be capable of unleashing the furies.

What do I think my my muse wants to say..

I think she like pointing things out, but not in a mean spirited way.  But she would much rather not point things out, she would rather do other things.

So Mak what could you say about your muse.

She(I think it is a she) is a far better writer then I'll ever be.  I even get jeolous and possessive about it, yet I am not at all sure how it would appear if it took physical form.

From 1-10 how important is my muse to me when I write.

Since she often does all the writing the muse is close to being a 10 in importance.