Silence hits the bees

Closing its wings

Please consider feelings

Keep the bees humming

If love is a favorite

Bite not upon it

Opening dreams

With honey bees.
The invisible rumbling above

Mixes with foggy air

In an almost desolate

Yet spring time place

Life is pressing

Time pushes

Fears take awful turns

With people

Who have nothing

So I turn from the demons

So it goes

And it really blows

It is me that believes

He knows the way out

He knows

And before their eyes

In defiance of wrong

He kindly does what is right

For he is gentle and kind

His soul being good

Being wise.
Brave sunshine come to me

Touch me where my heart does bleed

Brave sunshine come to me

I shall bleed the blood if I must

For I must be myself

Let the fires crash down to ash

Bravery moves me

Touches the sky with sympathy.
What breaks opens

Touches and removes

Empty yourself on the beach

Let the currents take you away.

I thank those

And thanks to those

Those who truly deserve my thanks

For in that thanks

Is hidden the words

I love you.
In a galaxy far away

Our hopes meant a lot

They were live hopes

Moving on their own

Great exciting hopes

Jumping forward.

What breaks opens

Touches and removes

Empty yourself on the beach

Let the currents take you away.

We drift into pictures

The frames trying to open to a greater one

We drift within

We drift within

I can say the future is here

I can

I can say it is special

No matter what

We are love.
Then an engine appeared

It was a strange engine

So strange and it was real

Living it did

Like most things alive


We are doing life

That is cool

But life itself has another quality

Something not so tight

Like it wants to hold onto it

But in some way goes

Like water 

It knows

The engine can then drift down stream

It had very little 

Very little indeed

Though impressive

It has nothing in it to make it 

Worth living.
Reality is a thing

Sometimes not so sweet

So nice

Then defeat

People with their eyes

That is how it is

From their eyes

Or lies

They see

Onto reality

Crying that it is sad

As it pokes and jabs

Never seeking to improve

Just a life.
Some girls just want to have fun

And life should be fun

Then girls want to be women

To form an army

Bashing not blushing

Rarely laughing.

Then there was her

She didn't even like me

Then she did

Then she didn't

So I can let her have it

She doesn't like me

She can cross me off

Throw me in the trash

Just throw me in the trash

I went over the rainbow anyhow

Where she will never find me

And her red lasers

Won't be burning any holes

I've found the best fox hole

Where I never was

That she has never been.
Love loves too

Ask it why

And it will stick it's tounge out

Because it loves you

It has no cage

No it don't

Just something you left in the room

And it sat by the window

Looking out

With strange hope

Not to mention love had plans

It didn't even know itself to have

Love was not political

It was different

Kind of wild

Not too different

Than a child.
To fix it

To melt it from what it was

To swirl it in steel

To throw a flaming blanket

At it

I smile because



I'm not going to tell!

All sweet things just

Taste better with some lemon

Don't ask me why

I don't know

But I care

Still dreaming.


Do not

What ever you do



Keep your heart thumping

Like a Chopin Invasion

Of blue green aliens.
I read the book

And I read you

Then there was no book

And I read that too

Reading my mind for signs of you

In a way

It's all okay


The stars shine

They shine for me

Life is good time

The melody is in my eyes

The full moons chime

The room is wide

Life is wide open.

Lets go to the let it go

The ride was good

Upside down and around and round

I say

What was that

I know it was what it was

Which was cosmic soup.

Gone beyond like

Oh God

Gone beyond like

Life is good.