Just what is going on!

Is this the kind of world order you really want?

Give them bad soup.

Math was used.

I am happy about science, but if this model of the universe is true, then products will be sold "backwards in time" and that will be absurd, but they got to cash in on this! Just send everything to your mom.

I remember when the parallel universe was proposed the researchers were actually shocked that time would go backwards. Not hubris being expressed. I liked how that happened. It was an uncomfortable finding.

What is the central issue? What matters the most? What inspires you to the point of taking action? What is your relationship with money? Who would you be if you could be anyone else? If you picked someone why did you not pick yourself?

The Hubble is not a wimp.

Now the Ukrainians seem to be fighting an Isreali war from long ago. Winning on the enemies tactics, on their terms, will not beat a Goliath.

The egg came first or the chicken is to time an equation.

We humans have a strange relationship with time, being able to look ahead into the future and plan for it, but the past before now determines much of that. Therefore a way of imagining a world of weirdness.