Putin is like czar who rules over a vaste empire, a country of greater mass than anywhere in the world, a country that has never lost a war.. So give him a little land.

Why can't Ukraine cede a territory to Russia? It might save a lot of lives and actually work. The alternative is something that I have never heard of before, except the case where pride causes unthinkable destruction.

When the good guys must win!

If you vote, do so with the awareness that democracy does not work unless people vote, and it matters that you are comfortable with your decision. Make it a day where you remember your connection to your country and perhaps your love of it.


If the communists win your fashion choices won't really exist, because everyone will be equal, including equal amounts and style of underwear. Comrades will be closer than ever!

There are other things you can be than an anti zionist, anti isreal critic!

We could change it up here!

Soon the idiots and zombies will infect everything with absolute stupidity. Can we prevent this, or is it too late? You can't just vote this away, act now and buy my new ray gun for only 999.00 while supplies last!

All is well.

Are you really ready for Kamala?