Cracking the mirror of fragile power.

In line with death nothing feels right, missed chances evolve like radiation touching upon flowers, a fated idiocracy of bad religion, and worse fakeness to spread into shadows hidden under floor boards, a nail pounded many times, never give in, can't give up, and moves the bed of wrong headed drunken thieving phonies.

Sometimes you need to let it go! (Away)

A better world can be achieved.

In this world we take, some take people's land and people lives, and everything they have. I am opposed to that. I would like to think I live in the 21st century, when our base violent instincts were mostly gone and an enlighted age had begun.

The glue of russia is melting. The people can not hold if they lose their center. What has been hidden will be exposed. That is all, they implode.

This shoud break the chain.

I am sorry to say that Jimmy Carter doesn't win the award, though he has done a lot of good.

Russia and any modern despotism has an important illusion, a very great impressive illusion, but when the illusion fades, so does the power. It is easy to shatter the illusion. If you live in a democracy be glad that underneath it all there is true patriotic feelings.

These guys are like my own kids.

Are you really ready for Kamala?