Thneeds are what the greed is trending on right now! What everyone needs!

What super powers does the laws of nature give to humans? We might be able to momentarily have free will. What we do then could have enormous consequences. Sadly they could be tragic as they could be happy..😀😥


Got to go in.

To insist as an insect would, a gnat flying with anger, crashing into windows as if a great power, and beyond horses explore and grow smarter. The wind of time drives the mad, and a full moon insane then becomes as messes do, believe then in a mistake and nothing comes.

The deceivers deceive themselves. Smoke engulfs the cosmos.

It can't be a lame life, no not. Can't forget what matters most. So I cleave to the best styles and gaze down then up. It is weird being who I am. Still what choice do I have. The wonders of nature tell no stories, but sometimes crows act strangely.

It happens dude!

Some say words create reality. Not exactly. I prefer the alphabet and googleplex. Less bs.