So Major Tom drove off in the mystery car..

Yes it had gotten dark

And his jaw was tight

Nice sexy jaw!

She caught her first fish and ate it raw.

"That was an interesting experience"

Then she noticed the yellow-green slime mold near the shore and the odd fog rolling in!

Then she turned on her radio and television to watch the inauguration!

Thus she was happy yet again!

Got to go!

Breaking free!

Take hint!

When all the egomaniacs unite get me drunk and electrute me.

I will survive.

Major Tom took a long walk that day.

There was a strange exileration

He had walked out last night

And where did he go and why?

The future of thongs is not bleak, but likely more exciting!

Perhaps to become an electronic piece set for active responses to futuristic adaptations to robot doll mutation.

Its our choice and responsibility to explore!

The Queen of England has military clothing and a high military position!

This coincides with Royals around the world as I understand it.  Definitely some information I have wanted to find.

Progress Report!

Things are going up for the most part.  Most of that has been tedious with one unexpected breakthrough.  It seems that being tedious or methodical may be fun it can also waste time.  Being bored is not to be heavily avoided and risk taking needs more green lights.