Billy the Kid gave you the look and the wild west appeared!

A tumble weed suddenly caught on fire!

Girl we couldn't get much higher!

Boobs bounce and an eagle appears!

The crowd goes out of control!

I see a shooting star blow up!

Is this some kind of love!

Billy the Kid knows all!

How do I love thee madly let me count each electric effect..

When you are not near me

You are elsewhere instead

I am more of a man

When you are not around

Wit upon my magic tounge

Seems as if I am in love


Darling I keep inside

A wild heart land

The for she and I

In time to kiss

Every strawberry

On your lips!

Wavy ride of love!

As to difficulties

They come and go

Like being hit

By the ocean

Feels good!

Advice that may or may not be good!

Consider the internet as an experiment missing end results.

Rush around in order to get the most possible done then experience the tragic results.

Get obsessed with someone and feel slapped.

Develope a king sized monster within and scare every one as the consequence.

Laugh it off.

I'm feeling really bingo right now like I just won a cheesecake!


In a less insane world,

It gets quite and less frantic

Nude women are seen standing on top of buildings

Thoughts are shared with soup and become feelings

Groping underground Bill Hole discovers himself

He is not an alpha or hung

Yet he considers being special as a special skill

A green light comes into view blinking

Bill Hole finds this interesting

And International!

I am not unlike a hamburger..

I also have two buns and am found at the Crusty Crab where you can buy me and devour me!

To blog or not?

Give I can

Not today!

Once upon a time!

So how do you start her up?

First remember to use both hands..

Yes I know.

Are you ready for her?

Ready as ever

I can't remember feeling so exciting!

She's a 16 cilander so go easy?

Yes Yes I understand..

But can she drive well?

She can drive both good and hard?

Very sturdy build

Plus well oiled machine.!

I suppose I can just give it a go!

Yes Yes but go easy boy

Heaven know I've tried and failed!

Alrighty then!!!!

When politics becomes heavily blurred.