I know its easy to forget Bill Hole and even want to, but currently he is taking a very long walk through the fog on a path that seems redundant

My Dad was a doctor which may be a big reason I am against the death penalty.

So what are my thoughts about violent criminals?

Tougher sentences and treat rape just as any violent crime.

Weaker sentences on non violent crime, especially the sale of marijuana.

I believe that violent repeaters in public need some kind of pressure to prevent more violent behavior.  Attitudes amongst violent criminals today seem different than the past.  This has been researched, but taken seriously?  Ehum...

There are no excuses in life!

For example you can't say: The banana made me do it!

It appears that my color theory has got the thumbs up!

You may actually be as green skinned as the hulk, just kidding!

There is an old myth that warns not to mess with poets.

I can't imagine that being true!

Susan had been to the perfect vacation spot with ultimate beaches,

It made her so bored she made art with her vomiting.

If the cat doesn't smoke, drink, or watch TV,

Then it is not a human

But is laughing.

Feeling greedy enough to appear on mental health questionnaire!

First Space Alien on earth says,

This shit is fucked up!

You must be blind to not see the Starbucks Siren is waiting to create a brothel some day!

Goofy American Barbeque parties threaten French way of life!

Also French Fries are not French!