Off to the state capitol I go...

To reposition poetry back to its rightful place in libraries and education from those academic fools who sabatoged much of the world's greatest liturature and is now raising tuition at the university 23%

Can you say: suicidal death march?

Reccomended books at libraries must have at least one classic in poetry or an anthology, plus epic verse or Skakephere.  No excuse is sensible or sane for that matter.

Do I have any support from anyone?


Shall I increase your value!

Perhaps a gold plated ass

On disaster planet

For the lastest gas

To be of lavender and rose smells

Or in the school of buttology

You can do wonders with your butt

Scientist's heads will spin

We will abort abort

Hello hello mission control

Hello can I say hey there

What model butt do you possess

What advanced degree is above your knees

Now you are successful!

Zomies in Utopia!

What does the new zombie do?

Stare at electronic brains while salivating heavily with heavy drool!

Also the butt watching zombie is now here!

There are new sport zombies who will eat others just for their team!

Vegan zombies who zombie out over kale!

And the very new TV licking zombie!

So are human's a form of moth that also chases butterflies?

Another reaction I had:

Much of it over years and years

The applause dims

To the shouting sounds

The record is scratched and worn

Sometimes skipping

I was looking around the internet to see how alive the creative spirit is..

The signal is in.

I feel lightening in my river of pee

Then the voice spoke and said

You will be blessed

I said thank you

Then wet my bed

In a fit of happiness

Even Goat was feeling good

Even the Ducks were happy

And Breasts were very bouncy

Lastly rat and mouse were playing!

Interests in my photography:

Making myself and others appear as scenery or material reality.

Exploring light as very much what gives presense to the material world.

To show the alonenes of the human condition and how unimportant humans are in someway and tragicomic.

Big is bigger.

The writing fingers

Triggered to wearing silk gowns

Homeward bound is unlikely

I weave anyway.


Its winter time.  Smile child life is mild.

In the realm of a blue icle

Hold the warmth to your chest

Let yourself you are a best.

And do groom

Use extra cheese shampoo

For a new cheesier you

Featuring your best trait!

The tide is turning..