You can always plaster yourself to the ceiling and count backwards into negative numbers or do cat stretches in the dark or dig a giant hole!

I am the chair in the anywhere!

Was the poet whose last name is Longfellow hiding something??

Some important secret!!!!!!

Dream Girl to turn into figmant of imagination and drift into ocean..

Artists have a rough life.

On my identity quest I found the Jew Lagoon!

Was I home!?  I see no ham!

It looked kosher enough so like a hobbit I sat down and and ate my matza!

This is Greeat!!!!!

Angelic money machine seen as big risk!

Thirty minutes ago a man crashed his car and flees into a fast food chicken place where he was caught shiirtless by the police!

What a chicken and to jail with thee for damaging a tree!

Succeeding means different things..

Often like happiness an elusive shit that keeps getting flushed down the drain.  Strange comparison, but why not?   I still think the the earth is just a fancy exotic ball of rock which we accidentally happen to be.  Finding the magic road is not easy and I just get better at looking for that magic nugget.  

Exciting New Book:




A good poem is often more incredible that what you see in the world around you.

You read it more than once due to the pleasure it gave you more than for subtle meanings.

Can you drive safely?