Eventually the blood sheds no more.

The Russians are not doing so well, and that means, uh, ouch, what, huh..no. Victory is coming the other way around..stop the clock, time is running fast, robots!

They say it will go away, what ever, that pain still lingers, they say just do what I say, to wimp out, just follow, I'm not, they say they got that something, and you do not, that you lost it while aging, they say, so many things with a microphone, and a megaphone, tell me about my ethnicity, who I am, what I do, poke around, they say they are the new thing and bs, and I'm too defiant, they don't shut up.

They is no lonely for the losers, they tried hard, but are not miserable, such is the amazing miracle.

Musical worms aren't okay.