War should be done in fiction.

The forgoten beaches.

I have a look a like guy out there waiting for you!

Pandemic animals tell it like it is 2023!

There is no sex in heaven, but you can get married a lot.

The west can still be the best..perhaps underground!

She is getting cold in the Artic, so cold in fact she is hot, she shines near the ice and I have no part to play, but penguins do with a gaggle, they slide down the crystal hill, passion dances with snow flurries, and this nearly ends the story, as the heating heart of beating poetry melts the glaciers into fine tuned ooze.

Fears wash away from BRAIN WASH SHAMPOO!

Cowboy skill #1

Some words never die.

Instead of giving her my body I gave her my entire wardrobe, which left me feeling naked and democratic.