I would be an average Joe if it weren't my Zeus level biceps.

Trump can win because he is the most 3d person.

I believe a good poet is also a journalist and a story teller. Very useful in a turbulent world.

Wagner uprising: I thought things began to spin like a top and surprise, they spun in a weird way. Crazy actions like this are bad seeds or apples, not just weeds. Much interest in how the future progresses. Perhaps there will be peace.

I am no saint of angel. I am not perfect. I would just be proud to be called human.

The world can be unpleasant, but don't give up, keep at it.

It would be great if young people started to shape the future more. I am pretty sure old people will do a bad job. So go at it with that young mind and vision. Start something better.

I believe in miracles.