So is George Castanza the future. He is fictional by the way!

I suppose I don't really understand current events in America that well. Still I have a knack every so often to see what others might not. People though have refuted me sometimes and have shown where I was slightly off or all together wrong. Yet is a blog something to fact check? The rule that I like is to cover everything and in every way, and by narrowing one is heading to 0 which is upsetting even to an angry censor.

If people want to know more about ghosts from me I simply can't. I went to a ghost sight today though to pay a ghost a visit. The people nearby have made it more difficult, and you have to squeeze your way through some things which make you feel like you're trespassing. A tragic death in the family, now a sacred site.

Cat says: Yes humans need to pay attention more to the world around them and stop acting like rodents meow!

How do I do all the stuff I do on this blog and have it work? I leave to you people not me. If anyone wants to fire me just tell me why?