As a soul I survive, for wired is not me, I have no conformist needs, count me out with greed, and self centered needs, clearly the lights are winning, and shoes on water.

When it is too safe, even babies may cry, as everyone is right in line, get safe they say, it is the American way!

You can't yet understand how I see the world, and sometimes there is a tragic view obviously, but not exactly the picture drawn over time patterns shift and overlap. I am not fond of concrete slab answers or human block heads.

Death is not a danger, much more often a creature, I shoot about since it lurks, even in dark whispers, death never vacations or takes long naps, so I must have claws also.

Sometimes poetry communicates well and gets a message across when oddly prose fails.

I think I got the Academy of Poets twisting and tweaking. Good for poetry. Yes poetry is very real to the community. The historic roots of poetry is the epic, and though shorter today have importance beyond the poetry group.

It is the Antman as a giant reveals the extent of his magic helmet!

We can't let the dunce power tool gal rule our worlds like nothing else matters, but the tears fall as the stories tall and beautifully wrong, and so important, so compelling, it is time to urinate, to free yourself, you deserve better then slavery anyway, unlock the cage, grow wings, suddenly you sit in a tree with a banana of wisdom!