In my life the internet and teck are famous for a lot but is 50/50 a good record? The people should demand better.

Nothing in the machine now!

Suddenly the complainasauras entered the room, grew very large, then tumbled and fell! Don't get too big for your britches!

The women here are sorta funky!

Very Theoretical! We could be living in an afterlife kind of place and not know it or the only real things are living or the earth is for ghosts and they let us share the place or mirrors are portal to reality we can't pass through or earth is where good and evil fight it out with our help or lofty goals are here on earth to create stories from sand castles or scientists are unable ironically or God is laughing at us like a funny movie!

Soldier on, till the enemies, they run, panic beyond norm, as you become a new force, fight on soldier, soon your victory will be won.