What is war? Seems like we all know of paridise that never was, as time passes atrocities happen, some people laugh them off, its not me getting blown up, is not true, mutual destructions occur, creation is defered and defered, can you hear the sound of hoofs, no you are too full of pastries, the hoofs get closer, then they are at your door, war is not dead, not yet, so then you stupidly await, the world almost asleep inside a mirror of vanity, false Gods, and spectacle.

Should the thrill begone, yes it should, when your blood is cold as ice, and you see an ocean roar like a lion, and it seems too much, and nothing really comes in fulfillment, a cloud parts open, old memories forgoten return, and the curtian falls as it burns.

As much as America can scare me at times I can fear for my country. It has taken some wrong turns which might not auto correct. It feels like a battle I can't fight for or against. So its sad to see. I just can't be specific. At least not right now.

A box of secrets.