Let us begin yet again.

Imagine something coming soon.

You are not amused.


And then a miracle happened!

Oh the lost are so far on the mossy wall

Painted like moss and neutron stars

And love will do wild things

For a day or two a thing for you

And I am coming down

It all feels so good 

She touches the liquid sounds

Surrounding the jelly of her mounds

Then the wall came tumbling down




Smashing far upon oh ground

Grinding the granite 

Again and again

Friends came

And went.

Is it true? Can he be put back together!

In this universe there are wood peckers 

And doll houses for those who seek

Place beyond this place and time

Perhaps together we are held 

In the gravity of heavy objects

Love can tear us in two

And it takes a genius to invent glue

Especially Superman Glue!