An ever expanding raisin

Expanding like a cloud of imagination

Not an ordinary cloud at all

It changes every second from large to small

Things seem to appear within it

Lightning never comes

But you sure as hell can feel it

This little raisin in my hand.

Spider Sense?

Spiders have a mythology for me

The can appear

1.  Crawling

2.  In a web

3.  Not crawling and not in a web

In #3 is where I can not help myself but be reading things in that might be considered my imagination

Basically I see that when something big just happened.

They seem to help stamp it

With a yes something big indeed just did happen.

I know this is not science

But the odds are based on experiences that there might be a correlation. 
Bird watching has me seeing turkey vultures anew

It is not a horror story bird at all

These birds are connecting with the air like no other

They catch the air currents with unbelievable grace

As enormous birds oddly they are not predators

Their wings are more perfect for flight than eagles

They rarely flap their wings

So think again when you see one

This is a great animal indeed.

Google does not play fair.

Before God (The universe) was discovered it was all about (Ra) The sun.

Animals known for the sun

All forms of cats, which were indeed worshiped

Also hawks, known as protectors of people by another culture.

The sun gives

Most notably Vitamin D which the pills really fails to give

Also the sun is not only generous by warmth and light

But it was said that by having sun light enter the eye from an angle (not damaging to it):
That the sunlight would do miracles for the mind.
Nothing much to say

As hope jumps like a monkey

As nothing is like a monkey

Not I 

Not you

We are so advanced

Just look around

Look at all our

Cool doo-dicky-dads!

That is what I call

It is in the mind

Where I light up the water

Where the sparks of new thoughts

Break apart the dust of past events

Awareness causes new flowers this summer

Wonders never cease

Would you wish for lack of wonder

Can you imagine something grand

Dig below the sand

Deeper there you find it

The treasure.

Suddenly the stars lit up

As if touched by a great hand

Swirling the cosmic soup around

Was that something that I found

Enter if you will

A castle on the hill

With royal portals

Men dancing with beards

Spinning in their wickedness

Till it is full of peace

Things do get better.

Going but not gone.

I launch into space

Getting past the atmosphere

Almost caught in the spin

The orbit

But this rocket has a heart


Somewhere after a storm

There was strong

I took him for tea

He broke the the cup

So we went to the fair

And he got in with the strong man

It was boring.


It rained pearls

And on the main street 

Were the hugging girls

Shooting the cell phones off 

And the place was closed

I knew it was.

In the event a person forgets

Just all the good they have

If they can't see between the drops of rain

And look at the dream

They miss the door that will wake them

So let the air in

And someday things will really begin

You know there is something there

Just like ice cream in the refrigerator.


Into a warm place

The day is climbing

Sun spraying like a laser

It is not the seventies anymore

There is a new beat

There is smaller deal

Can you feel

Break the weapons

Smash them

Smash them

Clear the wide wide open

That is coming.

Goof poem

We need a nun invasion

Tall ghostly nuns with big eyes

Wearing steel plated combat boots

It is their time

This is their big year

The nuns are marching in

The white flags a flying high

On their heads are butterfly's

Their hands grab the napkins

Clutching for forgiveness

They have small hands

Hands to heal

They are ready.

The tide is turning..