The great blue heron

Seems like she is okay

All alone in one place

In the middle of the small lake

Dreams of moonlight

When the spectators go

And then it is really alone

There is frog

And cricket

Sounding with the blowing winds

As spring marches in and

Grows to my glasses

Gaining in hope

As the sun turns to dawn

It no longer longs.
I saw the light machine

It was no disco show

It throbs clear beams on everything

Eyes shines too

And I love yous

To fall out of a shadow

To slip into full position

Watching the invisible


As they saw new things

As a bird with great wings

Sweeps through the leaves

What kind of world

What world is this?
Framing thoughts

Into the correct picture

Takes measurement

The eye for quality

A fine discernment

Temptations give way

To reasonable walls

Fears are just like loves

Love is a form of fear

And the sky hands the winter

A letting go for new designs.

Human beings fade in and out

In an electronic land of numbers

Green paint splatters the grass

The producers regulate human madness

As the engineers create with out passion

People laughing at heartless humor

Dressed to impress

Yet the impression fades with the darkness.

Together in the lost art

On the table

Under guidelines

Where calculators

Spin in triangles

Horror by equal measure delivers

Bad breath upon the floor

Recently covered in bone

When was it romantic to be alone

When did we lose ourselves?
Wrinkles come at once

Like a wrinkle


Eyes like sinking ships

Death of life

Not death

But sagging

The wild

Is taking a leave of absence

With a collection of fine pillows

And distractions.

With out dirrection

Only an endless horizon

With tumble weed

And distractions.
Hope has pale pink hands

Almost white

But not quite

Not quitting

Just groping in the air

Hope so hopeless

Nobody cares about the loser

He could lose her

If the ogre was not there

On the eye of Jupiter

He has his pale pink hands

Wrapped around her.
Where do weed smokers go

When they go

Do they ever go

Like opium

Is it that crazy on earth

Can the drugs work

Like a 9 to five?
Whips like whip cream

Back to the black

Where screams fade

And die

Nowhere dying alive

Such negative

Is Camazot

Nothing comes

Surging heart

Battles up.
Little white light

Tell me everything is fine

Let me know it is alright

Little things give me something

I can't give to myself

Open doors that close

Positive poem show me

Show me

Lead me

We lost nothing

In loving

Love does not lose

It does not win

It is not exactly a game

And I wish to see

Just how logical it is

Since anger certainly

Is horrible.
It is all within the sands of time

Wisdom is shallow sometimes


It is like a hat

It is in our thoughts and words

That show

That say

If we are in tune

In tune with the core

Of positivity


These things have us

Or don't

And many don't it seems

So turn the world on

Turn the cores back.
To escape the city

How then now

The far away place

I have only pictured

As a magical world

Where I had love

Those chains of fools

Those darling fools

Who wore masks off

We loved them.