I you take this bite you will be a hero.

Free yourself from human bondage with this song:

My imagination is breeding some animals.

It is central to my belief system that I spread the love, regardless of if anything is returned, even if it is a hostile world; perhaps to help heal a hurt world. This is also central to many Jews, religious or non-religous.

The blame game is natural, but fails to deal with the memories.

Legacy of the USA!

Missing Romance?

We shall notice some changes when I blast!

There is nothing to do at the end of time.

More recognition: Germany, Poland to add to Merit Nations. Bill Gates to win the: BETTER WORLD AWARD!

Just because I am related to Leonard Cohen doesn't mean we hung out and knew each other well. I have the deepest respect for his work, but there was very little interaction between us. We are distant cousins. As you know he passed away recently, and I regret not ever meeting him in person.