People fighting for peace, safety and freedom, for themselves and the world can't be defeated.

We overcome, and defeat those who oppose us.

American's might make mistakes, but they are glorious ones, oddly winning, even at the last moment, without warning. You know us by our scars, our pain, as we break out of the rain, from the storms of life, from its pains. Liberty will remain, the heart of this nation will never be slain, there is a lion here that looks like a cat, beautiful cat, grand canyon cat, mountain lion, eagles and wheels.

Teck advantage goes to the west.

It looks like victory is close at hand, as to stitch the glove.

When the hours are up what matters is the person whose life you have saved. No honor greater to know that a person made it in this rough world because you put your hand out to save it. Thats how and my work began. I received a letter of gratitude from a woman who was going to kill herself and did not.

Even Geese are pissed off about war.

Zelenskiy met British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in London on Monday, the latest stop in a tour that brought him to Rome, Berlin and Paris/ Sunak's government also said it would soon start training Ukrainian pilots to fly fighter jets. 'PIVOTAL MOMENT' A Ukrainian soldier gives waterto a captured Russian army serviceman near the front line city of Bakhmut A Ukrainian soldier gives water to a captured Russian army serviceman, according to them, on a position recently gained in offensive, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, near the front line city of Bakhmut, in Donetsk region, Ukraine May 11, 2023. (I hope this video will suffice to say that war is evil, really) and this battle must end, though power is needed.