Little darling,

Walk downwards

Into the underworld

Mysterious lights pop

Your hat gets knocked

You are fast

So catch it now

Continue downwards


You discover long shadows

From enormous old statues

A light breaks through

It shines in your eyes

Heart full of Wonder

You continue on

Little darling.

Nice and sexy..

Peace came with less crime.

And other things arrived

Like daisy chains

And sugar canes

And it arrived on time

All good things in life

In a Time of Science

For skin products

Wipe away conflicts

Men in dresses

Pink Santa

All day long at the resort

Pink clouds on the beach

Mind games and

Giant wobbling bubbles

Hubbard bubba

Kitty licks

And rose wine

In peace time.


Poetry being the language of the uncommon, but also the most common.  It seems boundless and endless but isn't.  Homer is still it's master whom Shakespeare borrowed from by those who borrowed from him.  Shakespeare becomes a cult figure after his death.  This may be problematic.  To be in Shakespeare's shadow or not to be? 

Shakespeare may seem fully beyond our scope.  Closely see he was a very ambitious artist who was fully dedicated.  He also went out of the matrix of the establishment of his time.  He made sure though to make his art appeal and be enjoyable.  The audience was essential, not a cherry on top of accomplishment.  So he was wise in not becoming very eccentric.  The way was to practice structure and structure till a strange math flows into the imagination and ease is established.  In a effortless effort you have captured creative possibilities. 

Thank you Shakespeare!