There are spirits that have been around forever.

Why do I forget this detail, because it is scary, that the great weeping angels, though in deep sleep have their hands clutching the handles of giant swords. So that is why I forget. Now sadly I remember what felt so real in my imagination.

We need something in this world..

Think twice!

Take it all!

Be the best, be perfect, Drink Tang!

Bill meets Alice?

A day went by in a special way, my friend was now somewhere good, and will be cared for, and how dare they did this to him, a rather good person, holding tight to a hope and homeless.

Invisible lights as like a giant glow worm push upwards by magical force. As if possessed by a holy alien, morphed with angels wings, take the people to the holy lake, seeing the grass leap into abundant spring she removed her clothing and stood motionless being touched by mist.