Love is what ends a war, love of country, love of family, love of freedom, and love for a possible better world. Love that brings a determined look to the soldiers eye, and fear to those who oppose, who may die.

Not mere words.

Nazi Germany could spectacle, but these people, when you close in on them, they are losers, the worst form of losers. The kind of losers that would have made your skin crawl. Remember.

If justice opens it's eyes, nothing can stop it.

Time Travel with the Master.

Russia has no Wall of China.

Into the night of day, into darkness, friends can be hard to find, and in a dim room, in silence there was another, could be from anywhere, I had never seen him before, he looked much like any many accept his chin. I will not tell you the serious damage he had endured there. Yet he was able to mutter something under his breath I will never ever forget.

Work is to some extent reality. Humans are naturally bored, and the trouble that can be caused with that boredom is enormous. There are no short cuts in work, and not work is surely not a short cut, and nobody wants to be foolish, or embarrassing, we roll up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, and figure out why later on.