Male feminist leader you ask? Why not?

Nothing is truly impossible.
Watch the invisible some time

There is something moving 

Bits of energy connecting 

Vibrations flowing into

New moments

Beyond delight 

A giant green flower

Sparkling in the moons tears.

I love digachic!

Having learned from past mistakes, this time I will be giving Mister Biden my support in this election..

I have hopes that he shows an eagerness to make the world a better place.  That's my enthusiasm anyway!

I can't believe how we fail on this one.

Asking for compromises and more good will between parties and hopes for poor people.

Asking for better quality technology use and less abuses of technology

Asking for language related to compassion and being less selfish in regards to money and power.

We can't fail in the years ahead.

Better is better is a better world!

Writer at view!


1.  What hope do I see in this new world.

- I prefer less radical racist identity politics.  So I'm telling all you f ing idiots to wisen up and try to behave like decent civilized humans that make me like being alive in this tech dominated intentional hell hole of nut cases pretending to care about anything then themselves.  I ban you from all that is good unless you shape up.

-Now that you have given into being generous and wanting a better world I am full of hope for the future!  Thank you for being enlightened and on the way to great places!  And I smile at your idealism!

Best luck for your new life!