I wear blue underwear with white stripes

They are very fancy and expensive.

The pain the pain.

Oh the pain

The pain

On the bleeding heart train

Sat in backwards

Going slow and going faster

The ground roars

And cries

With hidden laughter

He can imagine her

As if her map had burned

It was not the plan


I planned it

You can't begin to understand

Since you were looking backwards.

Dream fsce goes up and then hides at any first bad sign.

So opens why?

It has slow

Because winter enters

To go

Into the refreshing pain

To electric signs

For evil eyes

That is what you find

As the sleep

Falls into the holy land

Was it shellfish once

They laughed

They painted people purple

But it was shrill

As cold.

No Nightmare Worlds

Turn your radar to a healthy good life

GoD speed.