Layers unknown in the sands

Dark and rich from the tilling of hands

Old cracked fingers red and disfigured

All the time each sand meant something

Minds are not ticking probably

On through heaven and hells

All sorts moving their bodies

Like the mind has its shoutings

Grapes roll around in a bowl

Having found their mouth

No rotten grapes were found.
The wind parts the leaves

It is not really spring

How to live

How to be

If there is just leaves

And grass

And weeds

Like growth being hard

Like nails

Taking from the dark


Fast forward

Into the distance

The wind is not what it seems

The rainbow is not as colorful either

As two dreams

What improves past there

Is perhaps impossible

So impossible


I can chase a balloon

Or hide in my room

I can plant my summer seed

Or assume it is all a dream

What ever hot spot there is

Must be like a fire

In this cold and dry dessert

Fire flowers bloom

As nature repels an empty space

Putting something out

In some special place.
No need to smell the poppies

As lost in their intoxication

People lose love as they lose the point

As the level of poppies

Makes the valley

Seem frozen 

And timeless

People walk around as if they were ghosts

It is like a ghost town

But perfect in every way.
Ice is not seen in these parts

Just water particles if you look up close

Crying for something

Crying for love.

Crazy super health tips to keep in mind..

1.  Yes it is great to be trim, thin or close to thin.  Plus usually healthy!

2.  Watch what you eat!  If you notice putting any kind of junk in your body cut it out for the most part.
Don't plan for the perfect diet, just stay away from stuff that is hurting you.

3.  Our bodies need to move around.  If no sweat happens on any day perhaps you got to move it, move it!
Much goings on 

And comings and goings

Hot sweat and feelings drown

Into the family of tears

And waiting near doors

So brilliant and orange.
Freedom can clown us

And frown ourselves

Like Vodka in Russia

Freedom is not so keen

It has dreams

That are not always real

Freedom is unreal

Yet that is why it is alluring

Because it is not easy

When you chase freedom

Like you might crash a motor bike

Freedom is found in love perhaps

Or just an idea

I don't know

I don't know.
Children know

They see

Adults acting 

Less than children

It makes them play

Away away.

For children see it much more clearly

As they roller-skate near freeways

That is telling us something

The way it went

Was not what I expected

Just how interesting yet again

Almost liberating

Is how it went

Just as if according to 

God's plan


It is good.
In the winter there was some kind a windy thing

Jumped into spring

Jumped like a frog from a log

Like everything was on this windy thing

And it jumped just like a stone across the water

Just in time

We moved into a fish bowl

And drank the air of it's freshness.